The ISS Talent Pledge has been created to encourage our members to share knowledge, open doors and provide

opportunities for the next generation of superyacht professionals to deal with the skills gap that the industry is

experiencing. We believe that our combined voice will lead to big positive outcomes;

together we can build a talent pipeline for tomorrow.



Engage: Collective Action for Talent Creation

  • Actively participate in existing programmes such as the Junior Achievement Sea the World or the programmes offered by MIASF (or other programmes offered by equivalent organizations)
  • Speak in a local school or university about opportunities in the superyacht sector or create webinars promoting industry careers to reach a wider audience

Quality Job Opportunities for New Talent

  • Create job openings at all levels in your organization
  • Develop strategies to enable less experienced but talented team members to learn from more experienced professionals

Work-based Learning

  • Offer an internship or apprenticeship or build a continuous professional development programme to educate younger/new team members at all levels in the organisation
  • Invite outside speakers to talk to your team or allocate budget to enable rising stars to attend conferences and shows

Career Paths

  • Implement career paths to encourage longevity or start a mentoring programme
  • Support crew with transferable skill development for movement ashore and ensure crew onboard are aware of the opportunities


Together, we have the power to address this critical challenge. By uniting our efforts, we can make a lasting impact on the future of our industry. We encourage all our members to take the first step today by signing our Talent Pledge.

– Erin Ackor, ISS President and Partner at Moore & Co.

As a boutique marketing agency, we have benefitted greatly from welcoming young talent into our organization and the industry overall. We came into the industry ourselves in our mid 20s and understand the impact that new talent can make on future progress of the industry as a whole.

– Rebecca Cahilly Taranto, Vice President, Superyacht Creative

With the Talent Pledge, we aim to encourage superyacht companies around the globe to attract and retain new talent in our industry.

– Abi McGrath, Talent Committee Chair

ACREW has always been a supporter of talent onshore and onboard. We work closely with universities that provide us amazing interns every year, some of those even build careers with us or in our industry.

– Onno Ebbens, Managing Director at ACREW

The core of our organisation is to source, select, train, and mentor seafarers to provide career engagement and future aspirations to all who join the maritime industry. We look forward to providing and sharing knowledge, resources, and initiatives to encourage talent in the superyacht industry.

– Matthew Jaenicke, Managing Director, Viking Maritime Group

At YATCO, we recognize the importance of nurturing the next generation of professionals to ensure the continued growth and success of the yachting industry. As a proud inaugural supporter of the Talent Pledge, we commit to fostering opportunities that bridge the skills gap and build a strong talent pipeline for the future.

– Frank Dargavage, COO of YATCO

Wright Maritime has a history of activity in business intern and crew mentoring, education and training. WMG is grateful to the ISS for its investment in the Talent Pledge, which aligns not only with WMG but other industry organisations. As an industry, lets together reach higher for a better future.

– AJ Anderson, WMG


spread the word

Together, as Supporters of the ISS Talent Pledge, we can spread the word, in person and on social media, to encourage other companies to adopt this mindset and take action to secure a bright future for our sector.